NSP Activities

Seed production is one of the primary functions of the University. This is mainly undertaken through the National Seeds Projects with the following deliverables:
  • Production and supply of Breeder seeds as per the indent of GOK, GOI and Private Seed Agencies.
  • Production and supply of quality seeds under Scientists-Farmers Participatory Seed Production Programme on Seed Village Concept.
  • To conduct Research on Seed Technology aspects.
  • To conduct training programmes on seed production, processing, testing and storage
Breeder Seed and Quality Seed produced during 2015-16 and programme for 2016-17 (in quintels)
Sl no Crop 2015-16 2016-17
Breeder Seed Quality Seed Breeder Seed Quality Seed
1. Cereals 95.04 18177 146.23 13585
2. Pulses 59.95 2380 197.77 1679
3. Oilseeds 372.7 146 137.43 3211
  Total 527.69 20703 476.43 18475
4. Sugarcane (hort. Crops)   600    
5. Planting materials (Hort. Crops)* 287824     194609



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