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University Library At GKVK Campus

The University Library functions as the primary information resource center and repository of printed and electronic resources for teaching, research and extension activities at the university. Apart from textbooks and recommended reading materials prescribed for each course offered at the university, the library houses a growing collection of research monographs, reports, multi-volume reference works, dictionaries, encyclopedias’, handbooks, and so on. The library facilitates access to electronic journals through its participation in consortia, such as CeRA. The library also subscribes to several e-journals directly from publishers as well as through reputed subscription agencies. At present, users can consult nearly 2 lakh books (available on shelves) and thousands of electronic books and journals. Online access is also provided to OCLC WorldCat, IDEAL- Indian Digital Ensemble of Agricultural Libraries, NDL- National Digital Library of India, Krishikosh,Shodhganga, MJAS- Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, e-Books from CeRA Consortia, John Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis (CRCnetBASE), ASAP, Astral, NIPA, Yojana and Kurukshetra journals.

The library operations are automated using KOHA software. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) which is on public domain provide with remote access MyLOFT (My Library on Finger Tips) enables users to search documents in possession of the library. The library is using the Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID), a state-of-the- art auto identification technique which helps in self-servicing and enhanced security. A separate e-resources section is provided in the library to browse CDs and DVDs of books, theses, and dissertations. These steps will greatly enhance the library’s efficiency in making the resources available to the academic community at large and also enable the institute to participate in various inter-library initiatives at national and internationallevels.

Our Library is providing extensive research support services such as citation analysis, usage of reference management tools., etc. Library is constantly striving to identify and adopt the emerging academic and research support tools and helping the institute in achieving its vision and mission.

Library & Information Centre Website

Library Timings

Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m To 12.00 Midnight
Saturday 8.30 a.m To 6.00 p.m
Sunday 9.00 a.m To 1.00 p.m

Library remains closed on Government Holidays