Other Trainings

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Under ‘Swavalambana’ a scheme sponsored by the State Government of Karnataka a 12 weeks training programmes for Rural Youth are offered in the field of Bakery, Mushroom production and Nursery rising and Management.
The Staff Training Unit under the Directorate of Extension periodically conducts Training Course for the benefit of IAS Probationers, Officials of the State Government Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture. The UAS also continuously train its own staff engaged in Research and Extension on latest techniques and accomplishments in the field of Agriculture and allied subjects.
  • The other wings of the Directorate of Extension, viz., Farmers Training Institute, Extension units and Krishi Vignana Kendras are also engaged in imparting training programmes of UAS, Bangalore.
  • The various departments of College of Agriculture, Bangalore, are engaged in conducting Summer Institutes / Refresher Courses for the benefit of staff of State Agricultural Universities.