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GoI Projects (DST / DBT)

Government of India has released a sum of Rs. 3974.87 lakhs for the year 2023-24 for 200 Projects / Schemes, out of which AICRP- 32 Projects, KVK-08 Projects, ICAR Adhoc & Other Funded Projects – 80 Projects, ICAR Strengthening projects- 8, GoI (DBT, DST, MNRE&SERB) -69 Projects and ICAR Funded World Bank -3 Projects. GoK has released a sum of Rs.601.36 lakhs for GoK – 53 Projects and there is no physical grant received from RKVY-7 Projects. Other agencies have released a sum of Rs. 335.69 lakhs for 40 Projects, while Foreign Funded agency has released a sum of Rs.7.15 lakhs for one Project.

Govt. of India Ongoing Projects till date
