Examination is an important part of higher education and it should not only be used as a control that a student is qualified, but also as an educational tool to influence the learning process. It is a means to evaluate the knowledge of students and it helps the teachers to understand the mental capacity of the students to rectify their shortcomings. In the last two and half decades, the agricultural education in the country has witnessed tremendous growth in terms of number and quality of students admitted to various degree programmes./courses offered in Farm Universities. As a consequence the examination system has become the most important yardstick to test the knowledge acquired by the students.
Over a period of time, separate External Examination Cell has been established at each of the five constituent Colleges of the University, as a consequence to the introduction of External Examination system during 1999-2000, mainly for the purpose of co-ordinating the Examination related activities. Subsequently, the University has established University Examination Center (UEC) at the GKVK campus during the academic year 2011-12. The UEC is responsible for conducting ‘Centralized Common Examination’ across the constituent colleges and it has developed an innovative software called ‘Undergraduate Academic Management (UGAM)’. This Information and Communication Technology tool is used right from student admission to exit (entire study-cycle).
Major Examination Reforms brought out by University Examination Centre:
- Installation of CCTV cameras at Examination halls to prevent malpractices in examinations, conduct of examinations on time, strict discipline among the students, invigilators and supporting staff.
- Introduced Centralized Examination System for maintaining uniformity in teaching & evaluation with greater transparency for timely and simultaneous conduct of examinations at all constituent Colleges of the University.
- Developed UGAM App for the online fee payment and paperless semester registration.
- Introduction of bar coding of answer scripts for quick and accurate processing with greater confidentiality.
- Development of course indexing system to keep track of the chain of events involved in the examination process pertaining to all UG degree programs.
- Introduced ‘Decentralized Digital Evaluation’ on 24×7 basis so that faculty can do evaluation from respective colleges which saves time and resources besides enhancing the speed of digital evaluation.
- Web based announcement of examination results through University website for greater transparency and wider publicity of results, can be viewed even by parents.
- Uploading of UG degree certificates in NAD Digi locker (paperless governance) for promoting e-paper governance and to avoid creation of fake documents
- Implemented and automated SMS alert system for instant communication of information to the faculty, staff and students.
RAWE Exam Hall Seating Arrangements
Future Focus:
- RFID based class and examination attendance to prevent impersonation
- e-Examinations
- e-Results

University Examination Center
University of Agricultural Sciences
GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065, India

Controller of Examinations
Department of Crop Physiology
Exam Schedule
- Revised Schedule for I year I Sem 2024-25
- Revised Schedule for Final External Examination for I year I Sem 2024-25
- Supplementary Registration for III year II Sem 2024-25
- Revised Schedule for Missed examinations for III year I Sem 2024-25
- Schedule for Missed examination for III year I Sem 2024-25
- I Year I Sem Supplementry Schedule(V Dean)-2024-25
- Revised schedule for final external examinations for II year I Sem 2024-25
- Reschedule of III year I Sem 2024-25 examination
- Notice for IV year II Sem 2024-25
- Re-schedule for final external examinations for III year I Sem 2024-25
- Schedule for Final Extenal Examinations for II year I Sem 2024-25
- Supplementary Revised Notice
- Note for I year I Sem 2024-25 Supplementary Registration
- Revised Schedule for III year Final External examinations during I Semester 2024-25
- Supplementary Registration for II year I sem 2024-25
- Schedule of Missed examinations for I and III year UG courses during II Sem 2023-24
- Semester Registration for II year I Semester 2024-25
- Missed Final (External) Examinations for II year UG Courses during II Semester of 2023-24
- Revised Schedule for Supplementary examinations (One time measure) of post final year students during I semester 2024-25
- Supplementary Registration for Post final students (17,18 & 19 Series)
- Supplementary Registration for III year I Sem 2024-25
- Note for apply for re-evaluation and photocopy for Supplementary III Year II sem 2023-24
- Revised Registration for Supplementary Examinations (One time measure) during 2020-21
- Note of Supplementary Exam Registration for MAT 121 Course
- IV year Students Semester Registration during I Sem of 2024-25
- Supplementary registration for one time measure (20 series students only)
Result for IV B.Tech. Food Technology during I Sem 2024-25.
Results of II year II Sem 2023-24
Re-evaluation grade sheets for II year II sem 2023-24
Supplementary Results of I year II Sem 2023-24 (23.01.2025)
Supplementary Results of I year II Sem 2023-24
Results of Final External Examinations for I year II Semester 2023-24
1. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, GKVK
2. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, Hassan
3. B.Sc. (Hons.), Agriculture, CoA, Mandya
4. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoS, Chintamani
5. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, Chamarajanagara
6. B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture,, CoS, Chintamani
7. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri business Management, CoA, GKVK
8. B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering), CoAE, GKVK
9. B.Tech. (Food Technology), CoA, Hassan
10. B.Tech. (Biotechnology), CoA, Hassan
Results of III year II Sem 2023-24 Re-evaluation and One time Measure Re-evaluation
Results of Sports quota for II year II Sem 2023-24
Results of Final External Examinations for II year II Sem of 2023-24
1. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, GKVK
2. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, Hassan
3. B.Sc. (Hons.), Agriculture, CoA, Mandya
4. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoS, Chintamani
5. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, Chamarajanagara
6. B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture,, CoS, Chintamani
7. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri business Management, CoA, GKVK
8. B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering), CoAE, GKVK
9. B.Tech. (Food Technology), CoA, Hassan
10. B.Tech. (Biotechnology), CoA, Hassan
11. B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Nutrition and Dietetics, CoA, GKVK
Results of II year Supplementary Courses during II Sem of 2023-24
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Agri CoA Chamarajanagara
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Agri CoA GKVK
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Agri CoA Hassan
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Agri CoA Mandya
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Agri CoS Chintamani
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Agri-business Management CoA GKVK
- B.Sc.(Hons.)Seri CoS Chintamani
- B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering) CoAE GKVK
- B.Tech.(BioTechnology) CoA Hassan
- B.Tech.(Food Technology) CoA Hassan
Supplementary Results of II year II sem 2023-24
Supplementary Results of I year II Sem 2023-24
1. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, GKVK
2. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, Hassan
3. B.Sc. (Hons.), Agriculture, CoA, Mandya
4. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoS, Chintamani
5. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, CoA, Chamarajanagara
6. B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture, CoS, Chintamani
7. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri business Management, CoA, GKVK
8. B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering), CoAE, GKVK
9. B.Tech. (Food Technology), CoA, Hassan
10. B.Tech. (Biotechnology), CoA, Hassan
Results of Supplementary (one time measure ) during 1 sem 2024 -25
Key answers for the Written Examination for Recruitment of Teaching posts (Kalyana Karnataka)
Results of I year I Sem Re-Evaluation during I Sem 2023-24
Supplementary and Re-evaluation results of I & III year - I & II Sem 2023-24
Supplementary and Re-evaluation results of I & III year - I & II Sem 2023-24
Key Answers for I year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 24.03.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 03.03.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 28.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 27.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 24.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 21.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 19.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 17.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 14.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 12.02.2025
Key Answers for II year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 10.02.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 17.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 15.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 13.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 11.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 10.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 08.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 06.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 04.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 02.01.2025
Key Answers for III year I Sem 2024-25 exams which was held on 30.12.2024
Key Answers for III year II Sem 2023-24 exam which was held on 31.07.2024
Key Answers for IV year I Sem 2024-25 exam which was held on 09.12.2024
Key Answers for IV year B.Tech. (Ag.Engg.) II Sem 2023-24 exam which was held on 09.07.2024
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- Last Updated: March 19, 2025
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