The University has established Skill Development Center (SDC) under ICAR- SC-SP: 2019-20 at UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru from the academic year 2019-20 vide AO order No. AO/Gen/SDC/3824/2019-20 dtd. 31.12.2019. The Skill development center building is being planned to construct, to house 30-50 students with 15-20 rooms, training hall, kitchen, etc. with an out lay of Rs. 280 Lakhs. An amount of Rs. 204 lakhs has been released by ICAR, New Delhi during the year 2019-20 vide letter no. F. No. Agril. Edn./21-65/2017-EP&HS dtd. 18.09.2019 (Rs. 153 lakhs for I instalment under ICAR SC-SP for the year 2019-20) and second instalment of Rs. 51 lakh released on 17.01.2020.
“Development of graduates with skills of fundamental and contemporary technology and gross root work force of agricultural production processes with multi skills”
“Imparting skills to graduating students and transforming rural unskilled youth work force to skilled workforce for self-sustained agro-ecosystem with entrepreneurship for livelihood”
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- Last Updated: March 19, 2025
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