Mr.Prasad Reddy K.R

Suprabha N
Sports Activities
The department of Physical Education is functioning efficiently in the GKVK campus. Physical Education is the foundation for a quality life with optimum health and fitness. The department of Physical Education offers courses in physical education and yoga practices for 2 semesters for the first year UG students of all the degree programs. These courses are a part of the curriculum with both theoretical and practical components. Importance of Physical Fitness, active participation in sports and games, recreation games and Yogic practices are imparted to the students. Greater emphasis is laid on motivating students to adapt active lifestyle for a healthy living.
College of Agriculture GKVK , Bangalore has elite athletes who have represented the college at University and higher levels and have brought laurels to the university. The department has been receiving immense support from the University, for student participation in sports and in conducting other activities related to health and fitness. The department has organised many yoga and self defense classes for the students for the benefit of students at campus
The college campus is equipped with excellent outdoor sports facilities with 2 play fields which accommodates a Football field, a Cricket ground and a standard athletic mud track , with other earmarked courts for various games such as Kabaddi, Ball – Badminton. Volleyball , Kho Kho, Kabaddi and Basketball courts are equippped with flood light facilities. The Indoor sports complex is established with 2 synthetic Badminton courts, a Table – Tennis arena and a multi gymnasium. A swimming pool and a Kabaddi Indoor arena is under construction. Outdoor Gym facility has been provided at both boys and girls hostels.
The students of College of Agriculture, GKVK have been consistently performing better and have been achieving laurels to the institution and the University at higher levels of competitions in sports activities.
Physical Education Gallery
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