Dr. M. Papegowda
The University Library functions as the primary information resource center and repository of printed and electronic resources for teaching, research and extension activities at the university. Apart from textbooks and recommended reading materials prescribed for each course offered at the university, the library houses a growing collection of research monographs, reports, multi-volume reference works, dictionaries, encyclopedias’, handbooks, and so on. The library facilitates access to electronic journals through its participation in consortia, such as CeRA. The library also subscribes to several e-journals directly from publishers as well as through reputed subscription agencies. At present, users can consult nearly 2 lakh books (available on shelves) and thousands of electronic books and journals. Online access is also provided to OCLC WorldCat, IDEAL- Indian Digital Ensemble of Agricultural Libraries, NDL- National Digital Library of India, Krishikosh,Shodhganga, MJAS- Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, e-Books from CeRA Consortia, John Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis (CRCnetBASE), ASAP, Astral, NIPA, Yojana and Kurukshetra journals.
The library operations are automated using KOHA software. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) which is on public domain provide with remote access MyLOFT (My Library on Finger Tips) enables users to search documents in possession of the library. The library is using the Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID), a state-of-the- art auto identification technique which helps in self-servicing and enhanced security. A separate e-resources section is provided in the library to browse CDs and DVDs of books, theses, and dissertations. These steps will greatly enhance the library’s efficiency in making the resources available to the academic community at large and also enable the institute to participate in various inter-library initiatives at national and internationallevels.
Our Library is providing extensive research support services such as citation analysis, usage of reference management tools., etc. Library is constantly striving to identify and adopt the emerging academic and research support tools and helping the institute in achieving its vision and mission.
Library & Information Centre Website
Library Timings
Monday to Friday | 8.30 a.m To 12.00 Midnight |
Saturday | 8.30 a.m To 6.00 p.m |
Sunday | 9.00 a.m To 1.00 p.m |
Library remains closed on Government Holidays
Programs Conducted

All Sections
Kannada Section:
The Library has separate section for literature in Kannada language (vernacular language). Wherein the UASB published Government of Karnataka, Kannada SahityaParishath published books & other Publishers have been kept for both in borrowing /reference sections for the benefit of the readers.

Research cubical– A Unique Seating Facility:
The University Main Library has 40 Research Cubicles each measuring 10×10 sq. ft. each equipped with a table chair fan with good lighting facility with lock & key. The PG students can avail this Research Cubicles Facility & execute their Thesis writing, analysis & reference work in the most congenial atmosphere without much disturbance from other students. This service is being extended to all the PG students on first com first serve basis.
Computer Laboratory:
A Computer Lab with free internet facility has been established. This lab has 60 computers with modern work station and Wi-Fi facility for 60 students at a time. The Student can browse & access the internet for referring e-Journals & also mail checking.

Video Library :
The Library has procured necessary automation equipments, furniture’s, and established the video library for the benefit of the students and faculties. The video library provides an opportunity for student/faculties to listen/attend lecture sessions of live streaming & also the recorded video will be uploaded to server which can viewed by students and staff

RFID Technology:
The RFID Technology (Radio frequency identification technology) has been adopted for stock verification, asset management and self Check-in& Check-out facility at main library.

The Collection of University Library is as follows:
Details of books and other periodicals in the University libraries as on 31st March, 2024.
Sl. No. | Particulars | GKVK
Library |
CoA, Hassan
Library |
CoA, Mandya
Library |
CoS, Chintamani
Library |
Chamaraja nagar Library |
Total |
1. | Books (including Back Volumes & SDC books) | 132996 | 21790 | 22775 | 12982 | 2284 | 192827 |
2. | Pamphlets | 8815 | 172 | 98 | 2013 | – | 11098 |
3. | Gift Books | 14166 | 1296 | 1186 | 1231 | 870 | 18749 |
4. | Thesis/Dissertations | 13615 |
24 |
361 |
68 | – | 14068 |
5. | Reports | 17936 | 58 | 784 | 241 | – | 19019 |
6. | Microfilms | 04 | 0 | – | – | – | 04 |
7. | Microfiche | 53 | 0 | – | – | – | 53 |
8. | Maps | 60 | 157 | – | – | – | 217 |
9. | CD ROM’s/DVD’s/CDs | 371 | 230 | 314 | 167 | – | 1082 |
10. | e-Books | 435 | 25 | 18 | 20 | – | 498 |
Total | 188451 | 23752 | 25536 | 16722 | 3154 | 257615 |
Constituent Colleges

University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru

College of Sericulture, Chintamani

College of Agriculture, Hassan

College of Agriculture V.C. Farm, Mandya

University Library

College of Sericulture, Chintamani, Library Building

College of Agriculture, Hassan Library Building

Library, College of Agriculture V.C. Farm, Mandya
Dr. N. Naganna
Assistant Librarian
Collage of Agriculture , Mandya
Dr. T.M. Ningaraj
Library In-Charge
Collage of Sericulture- Chintamani
Dr. A. Nataraj
Library In-Charge
Collage of Agriculture – Hassan
Dr. Yogesh
Library In-Charge
Collage of Agriculture – Chamarajanagar
Library Services
University Library has subscribed several Online Journals, e-books&e-journals from the year 2007. In addition to thisICAR under NAIP Programme has provided CeRA facility, this consortia user can access 4000+ journals related to the field of Agriculture and allied subjects.
- Book Borrowing Facilities:- All the members of the University Library are issued Electronic RFID Smart ID cardwith Photograph to its Members. Books are issued to user through computerised technology and the users can see his/her status of membership.
- Database of Current Periodicals:- In order to provide up to date and latest scientific information to the users, the Library is getting printPeriodicals including foreign periodicals from CeRA (Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture ) journal from ICAR.
- On-line Current awareness Service:- New books, Journals, Theses Reports, and Other information sources are added to the University Library which will be intimated to the UAS Scientists and Teachers through the e-mail and these can also be accessed through the UAS, Bangalore Website.
- Common Coursefor PG Student:- To educate the users about how to access resources in library and utilize them using the new technology university library is conducting compulsory course “Library and Information ServicesCourse CMC 501 1 (0+1) for Master Degree Program” in library and information servicesas per academy regulation since 2010.
- General Text Book Bank :- The Library has a separate Text Book Bank for students who are pursuing studies at UAS, Bangalore. This General Text Book Bank issues the books to the needy students for a given semesters for reference &Rs.05.00 per book nominal fee is applicable. The Text Book Bank has collection of books in the area of Agricultural Sciences & Technology and Allied subjects.
- SC/ST Text Book Bank:- The Library has separate Text Book Bank for SC/ST students who arepursuing studies at UAS, Bangalore. This bank issues the books to the needy students for a given semesters for reference & use. This Book Bank has a collection of books in the area of Agricultural Sciences & Technology and Allied subjects.
- Document Delivery Service: –Document Delivery Request (DDR)service of Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) helps the academic and research community in National Agricultural Research System (NARS) to get articles from the journals which are subscribed by/available in the Library of a CeRA member university/ institute.
- Inter Library loan: – Users request the certain publications which are not available in the library. Hencethey can be obtained on loan from other Institutions, likewise publications will also be lent out on a reciprocal basis to other Institutions.
- Reprographic Service: – Xerox / Photocopying services is made available in the Library at a nominal cost.
- Reference Service: –Library Professionals are pleased to help the users in locating and disseminating information from the available sources in the library.
- User Education: – Conduct Library Education and User Training Programmes for Students, Teachers, Scientists andother users on subjects: Information sources, literature search, Indexing and Abstracting Techniques, ICT, computerized information and as a part of the dissemination of information the library professionals are pleased to explain in details about the various sources available in the library.
- Newspaperclippings: – University library has provided the Newspaper clipping services to its readers by sending daily newspaper clippings related to the agriculture field from different newspapers both in Kannada and English through their email.
- Content Management Service: – University library has provided the Content Management Service to its readers by sending content pages of newly arrived resources in a particular week through email.
CCTV: – The Library has been well equipped with CCTV surveillance for effective monitoring of every sections of the library & also the movement of the users for the security purpose.
Library Staff Details
Recent Collections
2020 Collections
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- List No.2
- List No.3
- List No.4
- List No.5
- List No.6
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- List No.18
- List No.19
- List No.20
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- List No.25
- List No.26
- List No.27
- List No.28
- List No.29
- List No.30
- List No.31
- List No.32
2019 Collections
- Page Visitors Count:
- Last Updated: March 19, 2025
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