AICRP Scheme/Unit : AICRP on Integrated Farming Systems | ||||||
Location : GKVK, Bangalore – 560 065 | ||||||
Year of Start : 1989 | ||||||
Mandates :
1. Research in Integrated Faming Systems on production technologies for improving productivity and resource use efficiencies. 2. Develop efficient, economically viable and environmentally sustainable integrated farming system models for different farming situations. 3. On-farm testing, verification and refinement of system-based farm production technologies. 4. Co-ordinate and monitor integrated farming system research in the country. 5. Development of model value chain in farming system mode |
Research Programmes :
I. On-Farm Research (OFR) v. OFR-1: On-Farm crop response to plant nutrients in predominant cropping systems v OFR-2: Diversification of existing Farming Systems under marginal household conditions v OFR-3: On-Farm evaluation of farming system modules for improving profitability and livelihood of small and marginal farmers II. Model Value Chain Development for Integrated Farming Systems (MVCD) v To create and demonstrate a model on pilot basis for value chain development for IFS’s v To assess the advantages and issues in convergence of schemes for value chain development v To make policy briefs for value chain development for IFS’s at central and state level. III. Schedule Cast Sub-plan (SCSP) To impart knowledge on selection of suitable components and maximize profit under IFS. v To develop skill in management of components, on farm resources, recycling of farm wastes and to enhance farm income, livelihood security and food security. v To know the contribution of different farm enterprises and monthly flow of income and overall savings. v To improve socio- economic conditions through IFS approach IV. Conducting Front line demonstration (FLD) Conducting front-line demonstrations in cropping system mode in maize – groundnut in twenty farmers fields in Chikkaballapura district |
Research Accomplishments :
(Varieties released /Technologies developed / Patents developed/ Commercialized etc…) v Developed 60 IFS models for three conditions (rainfed, irrigated and semi-irrigated) for ten districts (Bangalore rural and Urban, Kolar, Chikkaballapura, Tumkur, Ramnagar, Mandya, Mysore, Chamarajanagar and Hassan) for one acre and one hectare conditions. v Under Tribal sub-plan project worked with 275 tribal families in five villages (K.Devarahally, Shanivaar munti, Kuntagudi colony and Melumanahally of Chamarajanagar district, Sollepura in Mysore district and with suitable IFS enterprise mix and interventions the B:C ratio of 275 tribal families was improved on average to 1:2. v Worked with 60 model farmers in Kolar district during 2012-2017 and Chikkaballapura district during 2017-2022 with input and Technology supportprovided feasible, workable and sustainable IFS models suited to local conditions looking into the agro-climatic conditions and availability of resources. v At present working with 60 SC families in Byrganahally village, Sidlaghatta Taluk, Chikkaballapura district and providing need based input support for the improvement of productivity, sustainable yields, improvement in the soil health and improvement in the standard of living of the farmers. |
Awards / Recognitions: Nil | ||||||
Facilities Available:
v Providing information about IFS to develop integrated farming in their fields v Providing information through brouchers, leaflets and success stories of IFS beneficiary farmers to other needy farmers v Providing information about technologies , packages of practices ( POP) and deferment verities released by UAS, Bangalore , to our contact farmers and needy farmers |
Other Activities:
v Organize Capacity building programme to contact farmers v Organize Training programme on IFS and natural farming in farmer’s field v Conducting research and demonstration at farmer’s field in regular mode v Documentation of success stories of IFS beneficiary farmers / (contact farmers) v Conducting meeting seminars and workshop on IFS at farmer’s field v To motivate the farmers to adopt IFS in their fields |
Externally Funded Projects in Operation: | ||||||
No. | Project Title | Principal Investigator | Funding agency | Year of Start | Year of Completion | Significant Outcome |
1 | Natural Farming
Project in Agro- Climatic Zone 5 & Zone 6
Dr. Sanjay M.T. | Government
of Karnataka |
2018-19 | Continued | In case of demonstrations under taken in various farmers fields (4559 + 3645 farmers in Zone 5 and Zone 6) in different crops for three years trend indicates that T1: farmers practice yields are superior over T2: NF practice yields to the tune of 24 to 36% in variouscrops.However 5-7 years long term study is needed to draw conclusions on other beneficial effects if any on soil physical, chemical, biological properties, environmental aspects, sustainability in yield etc. Economic quantification of ecological benefits is under way.
The result of four years experimental data indicate that, lowest labour cost, material cost and cost of cultivation was found in natural farming (NF) followed by organic farming (OF) and recommended package of practices (RPP) as natural farming incurred least cost of cultivation due to omission of purchased inputs and use of ghanajeevamrutha, jeevamrutha for plant nutrition and various astras for pest and disease management prepared from locally available resources. Highest gross return (GR), net return (NR), B:C ratio was found in recommended package of practices (RPP) followed by organic farming (OF) and lowest returns in natural farming (NF) due to lower yields in the initial years. |
2 | Chief Ministers
Natural Farming project (CMNF) |
Dr. Sanjay M.T. | Government
of Karnataka |
2022-23 | Continuing | Demonstrations in 2000 acres in farmers fields by bridging the best practices of natural farming and organic farming are in progress. |
Staff Profile:

Name Dr. Sanjay M.T.
Designation Professor&Scheme Head
Academic Qualification M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D.
Area of Specialization Agronomy
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 14-03-2007
Date of Joining Scheme /Unit : 01-06-2016
e-mail: chikkaballapura.ofr@gmail.com
Mobile 080-23518848
92430 75082; 9449393273

Name Dr. Anjan Kumar M.J.
Designation Junior Economist
Academic Qualification M.A. (Econ.), M. Phil., Ph.D.
Area of Specialization Economics
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore ; 29-01-2018
Date of Joining Scheme /Unit : 17-03-2020
e-mail: chikkaballapura.ofr@gmail.com
Mobile 080-23518848
9108003799 / 9844508354

Name Basavaraj
Designation Senior Field Assistant
Academic Qualification S.S.L.C.
Area of Specialization Field
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 03-07-2013
Date of Joining Scheme/Unit : 03-07-2013
e-mail: basavarajmookappa@gmail.com
Mobile 90089 84612

Name Venkatesh. M
Designation Field Assistant
Academic Qualification S.S.L.C.
Area of Specialization Field
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 09-10-2019
Date of Joining Scheme/Unit : 04-07-2022
e-mail: kusumayesh@gmail.com
Mobile 80954 29542

Name Shivakumar B.S.
Designation Field Assistant
Academic Qualification S.S.L.C.
Area of Specialization Field
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 01-12-1999
Date of Joining Scheme/Unit : 29-05-2023
e-mail: Shiva.jathin@gmail.com
Mobile 98456 31503

Name Chethan Kumar K. J.
Designation Field Assistant (Contractual)
Academic Qualification P.U.C.
Area of Specialization Field
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 08-09-2023
Date of Joining Scheme/Unit : 08-09-2023
e-mail: chethankumar.cheth@gmail.com
Mobile 98458 49978

Name Vasanthi. N
Designation Junior Steno./ LDC (Contractual)
Academic Qualification B.Sc.
Area of Specialization Steno
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 18-07-2023
Date of Joining Scheme/Unit : 18-07-2023
e-mail: nvasanthi2004@gmail.com
Mobile 97396 66468

Name Jagadeesh M.K.
Designation Light Motor Vehicle Driver(Contractual)
Academic Qualification S.S.L.C.
Area of Specialization Driving
Date of joining duty at UAS, Bangalore : 18-04-2023
Date of Joining Scheme/Unit : 18-04-2023
e-mail: jagadeesha1735@gmail.com
Mobile 78298 78323
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