Electronic Resources
University Library has subscribed several Online Journals, e-books, e-journals from 2007 onwards. In addition to this Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA), ICAR under NAIP Programme has providing to access 4000+ journals related to the field of Agriculture and allied subjects.
Online Resources
WorldCat is the world’s largest network of library content and services. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information. WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide
Which provides digital access to different library resources for National Agriculture Research System in India which comprises of Agriculture Research Institutions and State Agricultural Universities.In this initiatives a digital repository “Krishikosh”
“IDEAL” (Indian Digital Ensemble of Agricultural Libraries) has been developed for capturing, digitizing and online sharing of library resources in order to cater to the increasing need of the Scientists, Researchers, Teachers and extension community.
UASB Library has created the database of Books, Journals, Theses, Reports and other sources of Information available in the Library. Users can access the OPAC through the Internet using KOHA Library Management System.
It provides socio-economic statistical information about agriculture in india and its states, regions and sector.
- NIPA Online Test – Competitive Examination Preparations for final year UG Students – MCQs and Real Time Analysis for Test Papers, Practice Tests & Mock Tests covering all major JRF, SRF Exams, ICAR JRF Examinations and ICAR SRF Examinations, unlimited practice papers, unlimited mock papers, expert guidance, lacs of questions on latest pattern.
- Shodhganga Consortia:-UASB has made a MoU with the INFLIBNET Center, Gujarat (Autonomous Inter University Center of UGC) for uploading the Ph.D. Theses into the shodhganga Consortia. All the Ph.D theses are uploaded in the shodhganga and it is kept under the embargo period of two years and then released for the users.
IRINS is a web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre. The portal facilitates the academic, R&D organisations and faculty members, scientists to collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities and provide an opportunity to create the scholarly network. The IRINS is available as free software-as-service to the academic and R&D organisations in India. In this database faculty get their individual/department wise h-index i10 index citations.
Campus Wide Access
- Astral Publication e-Books
- Astral Publication e-Book List
- John Wiley-Blackwell e-Book List
- Taylor & Francis ( CRCnetBASE) e-Book List
- Art & Science Academic Publications e-Books
- Art & Science Academic Publications e-Book List
- NIPA E-Books
- NIPA E-Books List
- NPHeLearning Book List
- Consortium E-books through CeRA
- Consortium E-book List
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA), ICAR – DKMA has been provided access to 1174 e-books along with 17 e-book series of Elsevier through Sciencedirect.com
Online Journals
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA)
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (popularly known as CeRA) is an e-Consortium of Agricultural Libraries under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) Libraries. Established in November 2007, the Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is the first of its kind for facilitating 24×7 online accesses of select journals in agricultural and allied sciences to all researchers, teachers and students, policy planners, administrators and extension specialists in NARS through IP authentication. The 152 Consortium members consist of ICAR institutes/NRCs/Directorate/Project Directorates/National Bureau etc. and State Agricultural Universities. CeRA is now the most sought after online platform by scientists/ teachers in NARS for literature search for their professional pursuit. To put it in a nutshell, CeRA acts like a catalyst to enhance agricultural research, education and extension activities of NARS institution in achieving excellence and setting high standards in output and service to the society. After the completion of NAIP project, CeRA is entrusted to ICAR – DKMA from July 2014 onwards.
Objectives of CeRA
To upscale the existing R&D information resource base of ICAR Institutions/State Agricultural Universities comparable to world’s leading institutions/organizations.To subscribe online journals/e-Resources and create e-access culture among scientists/faculty in ICAR institutions/Agricultural Universities.
Facilities provided by CeRA
Access of journals/e-Resources through IP authentication
Document Delivery Request System (DDR)
Access through Remote access facility
One Nation One Subscription (ONOS)
The Government of India approved One Nation One Subscription scheme to provide country-wide access to international high impact scholarly research articles and journal publications to students, faculty and researchers of all Higher Education Institutions managed by the central government and state governments and Research & Development Institutions of the central government.
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) has been privided access to 84 Wiley Journals via Wiley Online Library
Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences – MJAS
Off Campus Access
DOAJ:Directorate of Open Access Journals ( Full Text articles from Various journals)
National Digital Library of India (NDL) is an initiative by HRD Ministry. It is a huge collection of learning resources nearly 65 lakh books from Primary to PG level students can use it free of charge, register yourself to get access.
- MyLOFT – My Library on Finger Tips :- MyLOFT is a remote access used by UASB Library to give access from outside the library’s computer network to restricted-access websites that authenticate users by IP address.This allows UASBLibrary patrons at home or elsewhere to log in with their user name and password and gain access to resources to which their UASB Library subscribes from both the computer and Mobile App. We provide access to e-Resources to users when and where they need it, extend our services beyond the library hours, save the library users travel time, and provide new services to users who may need access from across town or around the world.
MyLOFT Link :- https://app.myloft.xyz/user/login?institute=ckpxlxh668g3h09386qj00tfd
download the browser extension.
MyLOFT App for your mobile:
Android users :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclat.myloft&hl=en
iOS users:https://apps.apple.com/in/app/myloft/id1247428589
Please note:
- User Registration for Faculty and Student of UASB, contact the librarian.
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- Last Updated: March 19, 2025
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