The Department of Sericulture came into existence as an offshoot of the Department of Agricultural Entomology in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Later in 1974 the University created positions and instructional facilities both at Hebbal and Dharwad campuses in the field of Sericulture. Research activities were also initiated in the Department of Agricultural Entomology on silkworms as part of postgraduate programme. During 1980, under World Bank assisted Karnataka Sericulture Project-I (KSP-I), M.Sc. (Agri.) in Sericulture was started at the Department of AgriculturalEntomology. Further, to cater to the trained manpower needs of the State Sericulture Department, a separate Department of Sericulture and a 4-year B.Sc. (Sericulture) degree programme on par with other UG programmesof the University was started in the year 1982. Subsequently one year PG Diploma course in Sericulture was also offered simultaneously at the Department. In the year 1986 M.Sc. (Agri.) Sericulture and Sericulture were started in the Department. In the year 1995 the UG Programme was shifted to the newly established Sericulture College at Chintamani. Ever since, the Department is offering M.Sc. (Agri.) in Sericulture and Ph.D. in Sericulture degree programmesand also offering Sericulture courses to B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. and B.Sc.(Hons.) Ag. Maco./ ABM degree programmes of the University. The department is conducting research in basic and applied aspects of Sericulture both by the way of M.Sc. and Ph.D. research work and through outside funded research projects. The department has mulberry and silkworm germplasm, well established mulberry garden comprising of different mulberry varieties, non-mulberry host plants, well equipped laboratories, silkworm rearing house, grainage and silk reeling & cocoon bio-craft training units.
Career prospects :
These graduates have avenues for continuing higher education within India or abroad.They are employable in the line departments of the concerned states, banking and agricultural financing sectors, input manufacturing and supply agencies, non-governmental organizations, private enterprises engaged in silkworm egg production, Chawkisilkworm rearing (CRCs), silk marketing (import and export of silk& silk fabrics) and starting forward and backward linkage enterprises. Besides, the Central Silk Board, Bangalore, a premier commodity based organization having its research and extension units spread across the country, has been absorbing the trained sericulture graduates, regularly. The students may even write competitive examinations for different civil services and few are already serving in various capacities.
Contact Details
Dr. K.G. Banuprakash
Professor and Head
Department of Sericulture
UAS, GKVK, Bangalore-65

M.Sc. (Seri.) Ph.D.
Silkworm Genetics and Breeding, Silkworm Physiology and Silkworm Pathology

M.Sc.(Agri.) and Ph. D
Maintenance of mulberry germplasm, Mulberry improvement, Heterosis breeding in Rice & Maize.

M.Sc (Seri) Ph.D.
Silkworm Pest Management, Eco-friendly pest and disease management techniques, mulberry nutrition. Specialist in Sericulture by-products and value addition, Entrepreneurship in Cocoon –craft.

M.Sc. (Seri.), Ph.D. (Seri.)
Department of Sericulture
& NSS Programme Co-ordinator
College of Agriculture
University of Agricultural Sciences
G.K.V.K., Bengaluru – 560 065
+91-9880325001/ +91-8762675849

Qualification: M.Sc.(Seri.), Ph.D
Area of Interest /Specialization: Breeding and Genetics of mulberry and silkworm, Mulberry crop protection
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