Dr. Leslie, C. Coleman, Imperial Mycologist and the first Director of Agricultural Department of erstwhile Mysore state in1908, undertook comprehensive studies on pest and diseases of important crops of the state. His pioneering work onthe cause and control of koleroga of arecanut, coffee rust and sandal spike besides introduction of Bordeaux mixture totackle the disease problems marked the beginning of Plant Pathology. Teaching of Plant Pathology was started in 1913at Hebbal Agricultural School and a full-fledged department of Plant Pathology came into existence in 1946 with theestablishment of Agricultural College at Hebbal. The postgraduate programme leading to Master’s and Doctoratedegrees in Plant Pathology was started with the launching of the University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore in 1964.The department is offering courses to B.Sc. (Agri.), B.Sc. (Ag. Maco & Coop.), B.Sc. (Seri.) and B.Tech (Ag. Engg.) atUG level and M.Sc. (Agri.) and Ph.D at PG level under Semester system. The department offers advanced courses inImmunology and Serology, Physiological Plant Pathology, Molecular Plant Pathology, Mycology, Virology, Bacteriologyand Nematology. The faculty comprising of experts in the above fields conduct basic, advanced and problem orientedresearch pertaining to the various facets of plant diseases. The Department was headed by eminent Plant Pathologistsviz., Dr. H. C. Govindu (Fungal Pathology), Dr. K. G. H. Setty, (Plant Nematology), Dr. V. Muniyappa (Plant Virology) and Dr. A. N. A. Khan(Plant Bacteriology). Since inception of the department in the University, as many as111 Ph.D and 410 M.Sc.(Agri.)students have been awarded degrees besides, Six Ph.D students of this department namely, Dr. V. Muniyappa, Dr. K.Balaraman, Dr. Srikant Kulkarni, Dr. A. N. A. Khan, Dr. K. S. Shankarappa and Dr. C. N. Lakshminarayana Reddy havebeen awarded with prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru award by the ICAR for their outstanding research thesis in plantpathology. At All India level, in ASRB selections, several Alumni of this department have been selected as ARSscientists.
The department has received funds and technical assistance from various international organizations such as Fordfoundation, Rockefeller foundation, PL.480, UNDP/ICAR, DFID, DBT, DST etc., in the fields of Fungal Pathology, PlantVirology, Plant Bacteriology, Plant Nematology and Nano technology. The research grants are also being received fromthe ICAR, National Horticultural Board, National Horticultural Mission, State Plan Research Grants and also from the private firms.The departmenth as upgraded laboratory facilities in recent years with the funds provided under DSTFIST and RKVY programmes. The infrastructure, equipments and other lab facilities have been strengthened throughfunding from ICAR, DST, DBT, NHM, RKVY, NAIP and also State funded projects. The department is equipped with aBiocontrol Laboratory, Plant Health Clinic and Molecular Diagnostic Labs. As a result, the department is catering to theneeds of the farming community and various agro based industries of Karnataka with respect to the diagnosis andmanagement of various diseases on several crops. Three tomato cultivars viz., Nandi, Vybhav and Sankranti resistantto Tomato Leaf Curl Virus and one pigeon pea sterility mosaic resistant variety, ICP 7035 have been developed andreleased for cultivation from the department.
Major activities of the department include disease diagnostic service to the farmers, testing of tissue culture plantingmaterial for virus diseases, seed health testing laboratory, Post entry quarantine activities, adaptation of e-surveillance and forewarning system for issuing early advisory on diseases ins elected crops of Karnataka and production of bioagents.The department is also being accredited by DBT, Government of India for certification of tissue culture derived plants of different species. The department as developed an IPMportal(www.ekrishiseveuasb.com)whichconsistsofAppsforcropmanagementandexpertsystemforthe benefit of various stake holders in agriculture. Using the mobile Apps the farmers and field workers can consult with theexperts in the department.
Vision of the department is to strengthen graduate students with skills in Plant Pathology besides hands on training andmotivating postgraduate students to pursue quality research to cater crop protection needs of the farming community.The department is striving to upgrade itself as “Centre of Excellence in Plant Pathology” at the national level.
Contact Details
Dr.N. Nagaraj
Professor and Head
Department of Plant Pathology
UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru – 560065
080-2333 0153 Extn. 294
+91 9731559754

M.Sc.,(Agri.), Ph.D.
Plant Virology

+91-99014 88611

Plant Virology and Plant Pathology
+91-99726 02825

Department of Plant Pathology
Specilization: Molecular Plant Pathology

Department of Plant Pathology
M.Sc.,(Agri.), Ph.D.
+91-99645 12618
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