The vision of the Department is to become an internationally renowned Entomological institution of higher learning in teaching, research, innovation, and publication. Our mission is to pursue studies to understand the fascinating world of insects, and to provide quality education on basic and applied Entomological science as per the curriculum designed by ICAR, New Delhi time to time. We extend a comprehensive learning opportunity to postgraduate and undergraduate students and enable them to address Entomological problems in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, and in Public health. We also inform and educate the public about issues related to insects and other arthropods in nature. The Department of Entomology offers 9 courses for Undergraduates, 12 courses for Postgraduate and 5 courses for Diploma (Agri.) programs with equal opportunity to learn the subject theoretically and practically with great field exposure. The Department and faculty is well equipped for conducting Postgraduate research, and fully strengthened to extend the knowledge in different branches of Entomology viz. Insect taxonomy, Insect-plant interactions, Insect physiology, Insect morphology, Insect ecology, Biological control, Insecticide toxicology, Chemical ecology of insects, and Pest management.

Education qualification : Ph. D., PD (UGC), ARS (ICAR)
Area of specialization : Insect-Plant Interactions, Insect Biotypes, Rice Entomology
+91 9483836789

Education qualification : M. Sc. (Agri.), Ph. D.
Area of specialization : Pest Management, Acarology
+91 9535600611
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