ANUSHRITI 2024 | RAWE / Department Website |
The Department of Agricultural Extension came into being during 1960-61 and started offering courses in Agricultural Extension to the final year B.Sc. (Agri) students, as one of the compulsory subjects in the Degree Course Curriculum. Dr. K.A. Jalihal was the first prof. & Head of the Dept. of Agricultural Extension.
The subject of Agricultural Extension was a new discipline and many teachers in the University were not aware of it. It was the youngest discipline at that time when compared to other disciplines. Later on, it started offering Postgraduate courses from 1966-67. The University introduced a new practical multi-disciplinary course titled “Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWEP) at the college level for the final year students of all undergraduate programmes during 1995-96. This programme was of one-semester duration with a total of 20 credit hours. This was a unique programme as it provided scope for the involvement of all the departments in the process of implementation at the village level. The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. K. Narayana Gowda, the then Professor of Agricultural Extension served as Co-coordinator and Coordinated meticulously the activities of different departments at the village level. The Department of Agricultural Extension has been providing leadership in the organization of this programme and coordinates the activities of the RAWE Programme.
During the year 2012-13 the university restructured the RAWE programme instead of VIII semester the RAWE courses were offered in the VII semester, since, it coincided with the cropping season and they were placed in Raitha Samparka Kendras (RSKS) and village stays extended from 4 weeks to 12 weeks, which provided real-time opportunity for the students to work intensively with farm families to gain experience of land-based enterprise and introduce new technologies through various extension methods. It also helped in establishing linkages with various partners involved in agricultural development. It also helped the teachers to understand the performance of technologies introduced by students. Further it helped the farmers in getting appropriate and timely technical guidance leading to the timely adoption of technologies, which realized better profits. The Govt. of Karnataka had extended stipend to each student @ Rs. 1500/- per month besides, extending other facilities for effective implementation of the programme.
Based on the IV Deans committee recommendations, the department started offering two experiential learning/Hands-on training (Hot) courses viz., Agricultural Journalism & Multimedia Production since 2010-11. These courses gave thrilling experience to students in using modern audio-video editing softwares’. The students have produced documentary films on various aspects of Agriculture.
Over the last four and a half decades, the department has produced 408 M.Sc. (Agri.) and 105 Ph.D. graduates in Agricultural Extension. Many of the alumni of this department have occupied high positions in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. Few of the Iranian, Afghan, and African nationals who obtained postgraduate degrees from this department are performing well as extension professionals in their respective countries. Realizing the importance of the Extension Education discipline in rural development, the Indian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative (IFFCO) instituted a professional chair in the department during 1981. The teachers are using modern ICT tools like computers, LCD projectors, DVDs, laptops, digital cameras, and other AV aids in teaching the students.
This department is one of the biggest departments in the University; consisting of Sociology, Psychology, and English disciplines under its fold. Today, the Department is proud to have one of its alumni, Dr. K. Narayana Gowda, as the illustrious Vice-Chancellor of this great University.
Department Activities
The department is engaged in teaching undergraduate students admitted to Bachelor Degree programmes like, B.Sc. in Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation and B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, and Post-graduate students admitted to Master and Doctoral Degree programmes in Agricultural Extension.
The faculty members of the Department involved in designing and organizing programmes for officers of the Karnataka State Development Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Forestry, etc. From 1991 to 2001, nine such training programs of 4-5 days duration were conducted. The following topics were covered
- Extension methods and communication techniques
- Information support to Agricultural Extension
- Extension education methods
- Mass media use and management in technology transfer
Seminars / Summer Institutes Organized Click to collapse
Organized the following activities for the benefit of Extension Professionals
- Training Programme on Agricultural Development Strategy and Methodology
- National Seminar on Agricultural Education and Regional Development for Self-employment.
- ICAR sponsored Short Courses viz., 1) Recent advances in extension research methodology (2000) and 2) Recent developments in the conduct of RAWEP (2002)
Research in Extension is conducted through postgraduates as well as individual staff research projects funded by the University and various other organizations. The faculties working in the teaching department are involved in conducting of research projects. It is feather in the cap that faculty is currently operating many international and national funded projects. So far the department had completed 20 research projects among these six projects were funded by International organizations like USAID, Japanese Bank of International Cooperation, Rockefeller and McKnight International funding organizations. The rest were funded by World Bank, ICAR, UAS, NDDB, NGO’s, Ministry of commerce, Dept. of Bio-technology, Govt. of India, Coconut Development Board and Coffee Board. The projects were related to:
- Educational technology
- Rural development
- Community development projects
- Oil seed projects, agro-forestry
- Adoption of crop production practices
- Nutrition
- National Agricultural Policy
- Appropriateness of innovations
- Marketing
- Rice and Ragi genomes
- Poor SC / ST women
- Strategies to improve structure & function of organization
- Water Users Associations
By this, the faculty acquired added knowledge to the discipline of Agricultural Extension and provided needed technical input to the funding agencies
P.G. Research Problem Areas
- Diffusion and Adoption of Agricultural Technologies
- Human Resource Development
- Impact of Agricultural Development, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation Programs
- Communication, Journalism and Mass Media in Agriculture
- Group Dynamics
- Sustainability in Agricultural Production and Farming Systems
- Youth and Women Empowerment
- Marketing of Agricultural Commodities and Price Fluctuations
- Agricultural Extension Systems
- Environmental Concerns and Climate Change
- Rural Livelihoods & holistic Development
- Participatory extension methodologies
- Social capital development
- Commodity based organizations
- Natural resource management
- Extension research methodologies
The development of this young Department over the past five decades has been phenomenal and its journey towards greater development is best assured.

Qualification: M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D. in Agril. Extension
Specialization: Farming system approaches, Impact studies, Communication strategies / Empowerment
080 23330153, Extn. 367

Qualification: M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D. in Agril. Extension
Specialization: Information and Communication Management, Human Resource Development and Management & Programme Planning and Impact Evaluation
080 23330153, Extn. 367

Specialisation : Educational Technology
080 23330153, Extn. 367

Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag. MaCo.), Ph.D. in Agril. Extension
Specialization: Training and Capacity building, Entrepreneurship development, Impact studies
080 23330153, Extn. 367

Specialisation : Communication and Extension Methods
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- Last Updated: March 19, 2025
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