Currently, the Department offers courses such as Fundamentals of Microbiology, Soil and Applied Microbiology for the undergraduate students. In addition, the Department also imparts hands on training to them on Biofertilizer Production and Mushroom cultivation as per the recommendations of V Dean’s Committee.
The courses at the post graduate level are Principles of Microbiology, Microbial Taxonomy, Cytology and Morphology of Microorganisms, Soil Microbiology, Microbial Techniques, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Microbial Genetics, Microbial Biotechnology, Food and Dairy Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Biofertilizer Technology, Autotrophic Microorganisms, Insect Microbiology, Bacteriophages. Specialized courses such as Advances in Fermentation, Advanced Microbial Physiology, Regulation of Microbial Biosynthesis, Current Topics in Soil Microbiology, Plant-Microbe Interaction, Microorganisms in Biofuels and Bioenergy Production, Microbial Management of Organic Wastes and Xenobotics are being offered for Doctoral scholars.
The department organizes summer and winter schools, seminars, conferences, workshops on different thematic areas for the benefit of scientists and research scholars. Further, training programmes are being conducted at regular intervals for officials of the state department of agriculture, farmers and junior level researchers.
Facilities Available
Being a DST-FIST funded Department, the laboratories of the Department have been equipped with state of the art equipments such as HPLC, Fluid Bed Reactor, Fermentors, PCR s, Gel documentation units for conducting research in major thrust areas of research including Food Fermentation, Microbial Phylogeny, Biotechnology of Mushroom, Microbial and Industrial Biotechnology. In addition, a Cold room facility has been created for Post Graduate and faculty research. The Department houses adequate number of computers with round the clock internet facility for students and faculty.
Most of the faculty have been trained in cutting edge area of research including microbial phylogeny, mushroom cultivation and biotechnology, plant – microbe interactions, biocontrolof phytopathogens, mycorrhizal research, food conversion technology, food fermentations and processing, organic matter decomposition etc., and train the students in their respective areas of specialization.
Availing these laboratory facilities and expertise of the faculty, 522 M.Sc. (Ag.) students and 183 Ph.D. students have graduated from this Department and they have been placed at the premier research and development organizations in India and universities and organizations of international repute.
The Department continues to create human resource in Agricultural Microbiology since its inception and supporting the farmers through supply of low cost agricultural inputs connected with organic farming and sustainable agriculture.
Dr.N Umashankar
Professor & Head
Department of Agricultural Microbiology
+91-80-233330153 Ext. 343/372

Specialization: Mushroom Production Technology, Bioenergy production, Waste water treatment and Microbial Interactions

M.Sc. (Ag.), Ph.D. (IARI)
Microbial inoculants, Biocontrol of plant pathogens,
PGPRs mediated drought tolerance in plants,
Anaerobic Microbiology, Fermentation Technology
+91-80-23330153- Extn 372

M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D ( Agri.)
Plant Microbe Interaction, Environmental Microbiology,
Bio-fuels and Microbial biodiversity
+91-80-23330153 Ext. 372
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