The College of Agricultural Engineering, GKVK, Bangalore, relatively a new college, was started during the year 2018 after upgrading the erstwhile Department of Agricultural Engineering that was functioning under the College of Agriculture, GKVK. Back in 1965, as a department, it was originally started to teach basic Agricultural Engineering courses to B.Sc. (Agri) degree programme. Subsequently, the Master Degree programmes M.Sc (Agri. Engg) in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (1974-75) and M.Sc. (Agri. Engg) in Post-Harvest Processing and Food Engineering (1992-93) were initiated in the Agricultural Engineering Department which were later renamed as M.Tech. in Soil and Water Engineering (2001-02) & M.Tech. in Processing and Food Engineering (2001-02). Looking into the demand for Agricultural Engineering professionals in the state, the university started four years B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering) degree programme from the academic year 1995-96 in the erstwhile Department of Agricultural Engineering under College of Agriculture (CoA), GKVK.
College Infrastructure
Currently, the College of Agricultural Engineering (CoAE) is functioning with the following three departments:
- Department of Soil and Water Engineering
- Department of Processing and Food Engineering
- Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
The departments have many well equipped laboratories for conducting practical classes, workshop, computational facilities with special softwares and a small college library as well. The CoAE also encompasses Government of India approved Farm Machinery Testing Centre; Regional Biogas Development Training Centre, GoI; and UAS (B) – VST Centre of Excellence for Farm Mechanization and Skill Development, Centre of Excellence on Agricultural Drones and Robotics and Laboratory for Quality Testing of Micro- Irrigation Components wherein the students normally have an opportunity to get trained. The classrooms are well equipped with modern teaching aids for better learning outcome. The students can access all facilities of the GKVK Main Campus like University Library, hostels, playgrounds, indoor stadium, auditoriums, Central Instrumentation facility, canteens, etc.
Degree Programmes Offered
The college, at present, is offering 4 year B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering) Under Graduate degree programme with a total intake of about 89 students and two Post Graduate degree programmes –M. Tech in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (intake 8 students) and M. Tech in Processing and Food Engineering (intake 13 students), all accredited by ICAR. The college is set to start a new PG degree programme – M.Tech. in Farm Machinery & Power Engineering from the academic year 2022-23 as well. Apart from offering UG and PG degree programmes, the CoAE also offers UG courses to B.Sc. (Hons) Agri and B.Sc. Hons (ABM) degree programmes running under the College of Agriculture, GKVK.
B.Tech (Ag Engg) Degree Programme
The flagship B.Tech (Agril. Engg) degree programme covers a total of 183 credit hours in 8 semesters which includes various courses in the field of Farm Power and Machinery Engineering; Soil and Water Engineering; Processing and Food Engineering; Renewable Energy apart from the courses of Basic Engineering and Applied Sciences (like agriculture, horticulture, etc). Some salient aspects of B.Tech (Agril. Engg) are:
- The B.Tech students, as a part their curriculum, undergo almost one year of Student READY Programme that include: In-Plant Trainings & Internship in reputed industries / organizations; Rural Awareness Work Experience Programme (RAWEP) in villages; Experiential Learning in the university facilities; and Project Planning and Report Writing wherein a group of students work on a researchable issue.
- Usually, the students are placed in various institutions /organizations such as VST Tillers and Tractors Ltd., Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Jalgoan, Maharashtra, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal, ICAR-CIPHET, NIFTEM, Thanjavur, SRFMTTI, Ananthpur, ICAR- Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Dehradun for skill development training
- Students also go on Exposure Visit to industries / reputed organizations during course work and they also visit many relevant organizations during their Educational Tours.
- B.Tech (Agri. Engg) graduates are well placed across the country and globally. Our graduates serve in various public institutions like ICAR (as ARS Scientists), CSIR, SAUs, KVKs, Department of Agriculture, GoK, UPSC (Civil servants), R&D organizations, etc. and in private industries like M/s. John Deere, M/s. Netafim Irrigations, M/s. Jain Irrigations, M/s. ITC Ltd, M/s. Mahindra and Mahindra Tractors Ltd, M/s. VST Tillers and Tractors Ltd, M/s. Kirloskar Industries, Banking Sector, Custom Hiring Centres, NGOs, etc.
- Every year our graduates qualify in various national level competitive examinations like JRF, SRF, GATE, CAT, NET, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS conducted by the Premier National and International Institutions and get admissions for higher education in prestigious institutes like IITs, IARI, IIM, IISc, SAUs and quite a few students also move abroad for higher studies /jobs.
- Under Engineering and Technology discipline, UAS (B) Ranked Number One in the country for the past 3 years by virtue of securing highest number Junior Research Fellowships in the national level competitive examinations conducted by ICAR, New Delhi. Further, during the year 2020-21, students of this college obtained highest number of PG Scholarship under Agricultural Engineering Technology Division at national level, securing 1st Rank among similar colleges of the country.

Contact us:
Dr. H.G Ashoka
Special Officer
College of Agricultural Engineering
UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru-560065
+91-080-23330153 Extn. 332 ;
Department of Soil and Water Engineering

M.Sc.(Agri.)Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Ph.D. in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

M.Sc.(Agri.), Ph.D. Bio-Ag. Engg. KSU(USA),
Grad. Certificate in GIS, KSU (USA)
Watershed Modelling and Simulation, GIS and Remote Sensing application in Natural Resource Management

• M.Tech (Ag Engg) in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, UAS Bangalore-65
• Ph.D (Ag Engg) in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Pusa New Delhi
• Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management (PGDAEM), MANAGE, Hyderabad
• Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu
Specialization: Hydrological Modeling, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System application, Groundwater Hydrology, Command Area Development and Management, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/Watershed hydrology.

Ph.D.(Engg.), UAS, Raichur,
M.Tech in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, UAS, Dharwad.,
Higher Training at Texas A & M University,College Station, Bryan, USA.
Specialization:: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.
Hydrological Modelling in particular SWAT Modelling and its applications in Micro Watersheds.

Ph.D. in Water Resource Engineering,
M.Sc. (Agri.) in Soil and Water Engineering
Specialization: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Watershed Management, Resource Characterisation (Soil/Water)
Department of Processing and Food Engineering

Ph.D. (Agril. and Food Engg.), IIT, Kharagpur
M.Tech. (Agril. and Food Engg.),CCS HAU, Hisaruï, Haryana
Post -Doctoral Research at Centre for Advanced Food Technology, Rutgers, New Brunswick, USA.
Specialization: Processing and Food Engineering
Post Harvest Engineering and Technology
Food Processing Operations- Modelling, Simulation and Analysis

Ph.D.,in Processing and Food Technology
Specialization : Processing and Food Technology, Renewable Energy, Farm machinery and Power Engineering
08154-240500 (Off)

Ph.D., M.Sc.(Agril. Engg.),
Specialization : Waste to Energy, Biogas, Bio-waste Utilization, Post-harvest Engineering

Ph.D. (Food Process Engineering)
M.Tech. (Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering)
Specialization: Food Processing and Preservation, Microwave Energy in Food applications, Mathematical Modelling, Agricultural Structures, and Development of Low cost Machinery in Agriculture &Sericultural Mechanization.

M.Tech.(PHP & FE- Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering)
Specialization: Processing and Food Engineering
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering

Ph.D. in Agril. Engg (Farm Power & Machinery),TNAU, Coimbatore,
M.Tech in AgrilEngg ( Farm Power & Machinery), TNAU, Coimbatore,
Specialization: Farm Machinery and Equipment,

Ph.D. [Electrical Engineering]
Specialization: Renewable Energy Sources, Power System Engineering,
Solar Energy [ON & OFF Grid], Precision Engineering

M.Sc. (Agri.), B.E. (Mechanical),
Farm Power, Machinery,
Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering

Ph.D. in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Specialization: Farm Machinery and Equipement
College of Agricultural Engineering

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