The Institute of Agri-Business Management, UAS, Bangalore formerly known as the Department of Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation came into existence in the year 1975-76 with the efforts of Late Shri. K.H. Patil, the then Minister of Co-operation, Government of Karnataka and Late Dr. H.R. Arakeri, the then Vice-Chancellor of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore who sought to create human resources capable of effectively dealing with issues pertaining to agricultural marketing, co-operation, agricultural finance, trade, banking, etc. As a step towards this, a four-year degree programme, viz., B.Sc. (Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation), the first of its kind in the country was started during the academic year 1976-77 by the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
Further, Masters Programme in Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation as a specialized degree programme in 1995 was offered to cater to the needs of agricultural marketing and cooperative sector. During the year 2007-2008, the University introduced a two-year full-time residential PG programme – MBA (Agribusiness Management) for producing industry fit Post Graduates in Agribusiness. The Institute is also offering Ph.D. in Agribusiness Management from 2019-20 as a step towards achieving academic excellence in the stream of agribusiness management.
Considering the overarching importance of agribusiness in the economy, graduates in agribusiness management is the need of the hour. Therefore, to suit the industry demand, the four-year degree programme viz., BSc (Hons.) in Agribusiness Management is being offered from the academic year 2020-21.
The intake for undergraduate programme and PG programmes has been increased substantially owing to the demand from agribusiness sector. The students of the IABM have bagged ICAR fellowships (both JRF and SRF), participated and won several prizes in curricular as well as co-curricular competitions held by other universities and management schools. Most of the graduated students have secured PG seats in some of the best management schools in the country like, IIMs, IRMA, MANAGE etc. The graduates and post graduates are employed in Central and State Governments, banking and private organizations concerned with marketing, agri-business and rural development. Some of them are also working in Agri-related institutions abroad.
The Post graduates of MBA (ABM) programme have secured jobs in agribusiness companies of National and International repute.
Dr. M.S. Ganapathy was awarded with “SERS Excellence in Teaching Award 2017” for his outstanding contribution in the field of agricultural marketing, cooperation and business management on the occasion of IInd International conference on Innovative Approaches in Applied Sciences and Technology at Nanyang Executive Centre Nanyang technological University, Singapore.
Dr. M.S. Ganapathy was honoured with “Distinguished Scientist Award 2016” on the occasion of National Conference on “Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture, Social, Plant, Environment, Cooperatives & Technology at Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR).
Dr. M.S. Ganapathy, Professor & Head conferred the “University ‘Best Teacher Award’’ in 2022 UASB Foundation Day celebration.
Dr. M.R. Girish, Professor was honoured with the “ICAR Best Teacher Award” during UASB Foundation Day celebration 2018.
The IABM is actively engaged in teaching, research and extension activities in the areas of Agricultural Marketing & Trade, Agricultural Finance, Co-operation, Grading, Market intelligence, Agricultural value chains etc.
The Institute also has a library exclusively for the in-house students with around 1500 books and a computer lab apart from well-equipped digital classrooms.
The faculty is actively involved in industry-oriented research addressing agricultural marketing related problems of farmers, technology transfer, good marketing practices and market information and intelligence, assisting in direct marketing of selected horticultural produce. Many Collaborative Research Projects are being operated in the Institute by securing funding from State/Central Governments.
The Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission has granted a network research project entitled “Cost of Cultivation and Market Intelligence Cell” to the Institute under which the cost of production for around 20 important agricultural and horticultural crops is calculated annually in four phases of crop growth along with marketing details. The project was initiated during 2016-17.
For the first time an innovative project on the Maize Business School in the lines of Farmers Field School of FAO was introduced in association with CCS-NIAM during 2019-20.
The IABM also has a Marketing Chair of KSAMB which facilitates in conducting training programme for farmers, awareness programmes, workshops in areas like agricultural marketing, agricultural finance, co-operatives, various government schemes and also facilitating the farmers for direct sale of agricultural produce by encouraging direct marketing. It is also engaged in conducting research surveys and issues relating to agricultural marketing.
Important Milestones achieved by the Department / IABM-UASB
Teaching / Education
- 1975-76: Department of Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation
- 1976-77: B.Sc. (Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation)
- 2017-18: B. Sc. (Hons.) Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation
- 1994-95: M.Sc. in Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation
- 2007-08: MBA in Agribusiness Management
- 2019-20: Ph.D. in Agribusiness Management
- 2020-21: B. Sc. (Hons.) Agribusiness Management – This was adopted by the University under common nomenclature guidelines by ICAR, New Delhi, for similar degree programmes offered at Agricultural Universities across the country.
Research / Extension / Training / Other activities
- 2011-2014: Handled RKVY project sponsored by Government of India covering the following areas:
1) Market-led Extension
2) Direct Marketing
3) Export Promotion
4) Quality assurance in agricultural Products - 2012-13: Direct Marketing Initiative by supporting farmers for branding, packaging of Mango and Grapes – Direct sales by farmers to consumers.
- 2014-15: Submitted report for Establishment of Grading Equipment in APMC’s in 7 markets to KSAMB
- 2015-16: National Conference on Emerging Trends in Agricultural Marketing and Agribusiness
- 2015-16: Establishment of Cost of Cultivation and Market Intelligence Cell
- 2016-17: National Conference on Technological Interventions in Agricultural Marketing
- 2017-18: National Workshop on “Ensuring Remunerative Prices & Stable Market to Farmers Produce”
- 2017-18: Report submitted in coordination with Karnataka Agricultural Price Commission
- 2018-19: Organized Workshop on “Agribusiness Faculty Development & Program Sustainability: Transitioning from Student to Faculty Member”
- 2019-20: Department conducted APMC Survey regarding utilization of Assaying Equipments in Project Mode sanctioned by KSAMB
- 2021-22: Training Programme on Alteryx and Tableau Application in Agribusiness under TR & CB of ICAR-SC-SP was organized for PG students
- Website launch for Shrinivaspura Mango Farmers Producers Company.
- The IABM – UASB hosted the 28th Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics Research Association (AERA), India themed ‘Future of Indian Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges’ from 16th -18th December 2020 through virtual mode. Dr. S. Rajendra Prasad, Vice-Chancellor, UAS Bangalore was the Chairman of the Conference Advisory Committee and Dr. Siddayya, Professor, Department of Agricultural marketing, Co-operation & Business Management, UAS Bangalore was the Organizing Secretary.
- IABM-UASB in collaboration with APEDA organized Capacity Building Programme for FPOs / SHGs of Millets and its Value-Added products for Exports.
- IABM in collaboration with APEDA organized Buyers and Sellers Meet on Dragon Fruit.
- Organized Vanijya Saptah – 2021 – “Capacity Building Programme for FPOs & Farmers for Exports.”

Dr. Siddayya
M.Sc. & PhD (Agril. Economics), IARI, New Delhi
Professor & Head and Principal Co-ordinator, MBA (ABM)
Institute of Agri-Business Management
GKVK, UAS Bengaluru-560 065

Professor & Head and Principal Co-ordinator, MBA (ABM)
Institute of Agri-Business Management
GKVK, UAS Bengaluru-560 065
+91-9640689311 / 9945831752

M.Sc. (Agri), MBA, Ph.D.
Agricultural Marketing, Retail Management, Agribusiness Management, Marketing Management, Quality control in Food and Agricultural Commodities.
+91-94489 75304

Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural Project Analysis, International Trade and Agribusiness Management
+91-94483 85190

Agricultural Production Economics, Natural Resource Economics, Agricultural and Farm Financial Management, Agricultural Marketing and Business Management, International Trade
+91-94823 94013

Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Marketing, Supply Chain Management

Specialization: Agri-Business Management, Value Chain Management
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor addressing Krishimela 2022

The B. Sc. Ag.Maco students participated in Management Fest (TEMPORA – 2019) organized by IIPM and clinched first place as Overall Champions (5th – 6th December, 2019)

IABM, UAS Bangalore won the overall championship in ‘PRABANDHAZ 2022’ organized by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

IABM, UAS, Bangalore won the overall championship in ‘PRABANDHAZ 2022’ organized by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

UG & PG students participated in ‘PRABANDHAZ 2020’ and won prizes in events organized by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (6th – 7th March, 2020)

Event-wise prizes won: Quiz – First, Best Manager – First, Marketing game – Third

Team representing IABM for PRABHANDAZ 2020

Workshop on “Recent Amendment to APMC Act 2020”


Newspaper Section

MBA Classroom
ABID 2021

Hands on Training for Final year B.Sc. Ag. Maco Students as part of HOT and AIA placed at Beegle Agritech

UG Students celebrating World Environment Day
Agri Business Innovation Day (ABID) is an Innovation Exhibition hosted by the Department of Agricultural Marketing, Co-operation and Business Management, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, that lays a platform for students to exhibit their knowledge, skills and business acumen in areas of agri marketing, agritech, digital marketing etc.
The Event mainly aims at developing new age innovations pertaining to agribusiness in India, by solving some of the pressing problems in agriculture industry. Event also emphasizes on building and nurturing entrepreneurship skills and mindset among the student participants by involving the student community in variety of startup related events like pitching, mock startups, panel discussion and fireside chats with emerging entrepreneurs during the event.
ABID 2021 Highlights
ABID-2021 was conducted on 3rd of April 2021.
The event was lightened up with a brand launch of ‘Gruitables’ by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Dr. L. Savithramma, Dean (Agri.), College of Agriculture, GKVK, Bangalore and Shri. C. M. Patil, CEO, Krishi Kalpa.
There were 8 innovations exhibited in the area of digitech, agritech, agri-marketing etc. Notable outcome of the event was launch of Gruitables brand, launch of newsletter, exhibition, panel discussion with agripreneurs and open mic challenge.
Students skills on digital marketing, Python, Advanced Excel, Alteryx and Tableau and entrepreneurship enhanced on account of Agro- Industrial Attachment and this event.
ABID 1.0
ABID – 2022
The Agri-Business Innovation Day was organized on 14th May 2022. The theme of the ABID 2022 was “Call To Action- Addressing Sustainable Development Goals”. ABID 2022 was organized mainly in order to raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) given by the United Nations (UN) that ought to be achieved by 2030. The students accomplished this by showcasing start-up innovations such as Green hydrogen, Industrial hemp, Farmer’s market, Terraponics, etc.

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