ಜೆನೆಟಿಕ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಸಸ್ಯ ತಳಿಗಳ ವಿಭಾಗ

The Department of Agricultural Botany now renamed as Genetics and Plant Breeding (GPB) at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore is one of the oldest in the country started in the 1965 in the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore. UAS campus was initially located at Hebbal, which was subsequently shifted to Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK). The objective of the department is to teach, conduct research and offer extension services in the field of GPB. Our major clientele are students, researchers and farmers. We offer following courses for Under Graduate, Post Graduateand Doctoral Degree students.

I UG Courses
A. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture
1. GPB 121 Fundamentals of Cytogenetics (1+1)
2. GPB 211 Fundamentals of Genetics(1+1)
3. GPB 221 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding(2+1)
4. GPB 311 Crop Breeding(1+1)
5. GPB321 Intellectual Property Rights (1+0)
B. B.Sc. (Hons.) Agribusiness Management
1. GPB 213 Introduction to Genetics and Plant Breeding
2. GPB 321 Intellectual Property Rights(1+1)
II MSc Courses
01. GPB 501 Principles of Genetics (2+1)
02. GPB 502 Principles of Plant Breeding(2+1)
03. GPB 503 Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics(2+1)
04. GPB 505 Principles of Cytogenetics(2+1)
05. GPB 506Molecular Breeding and Bioinformatics(2+1)
06. GPB 508 Mutagenesis and Mutation Breeding(2+1)
07. GPB 509 Hybrid Breeding(2+1)
08. GPB 517Germplasm Characterization and Evaluation(1+1)
Common Courses
09. CMC 502 Technical Writing and Communication skills(0+1)
10. CMC 503 Intellectual Property Rights and its Management in Agriculture(0+1)
11 CMC 504 Basic Concepts in Laboratory Techniques(0+1)
12 CMC 505 Agricultural Research, Research Ethics (1+0)
III PhD Courses
1. GPB 601 Advances in Plant Breeding Systems (3+0)
2. GPB 602 Advances in Biometrical Genetics(2+1)
3. GPB 603 Molecular Cytogenetics for Crop Improvement(2+0)
5. GPB 605 Genomics in Plant Breeding(3+0)
6. GPB 606 Population Genetics(2+0)
7. GPB 607 Crop Evolution(3+0)
8. GPB 608 Breeding Designer Crops(1+1)
9. GPB 609 IPR and Regulatory Mechanisms (1+0)


The department of has well-equipped state-of-the –art class rooms and laboratories to conduct practical classes to UG, MSc and PhD students. The department is one of the pioneers in India to establish Marker-assisted laboratory. The Department now has three such MAS laboratories. PG students regularly conduct their theses research in MAS of traits in several crops.  The Department staff have developed and released several crop varieties viz., Hebbal Aware-3,Hebbal Aware-4 and Hebbal Aware-5(in dolichos bean), TTB 7 (Red gram), Vaibhava, Sankranthi and Nandi (in Tomato), PKB-5, KM-5, KC-8 (in cowpea), MAS-946-1 and MAS 26 (in aerobic rice), paustic 1, paustic 7 AND Paustic 9 (biofortified rice) KBCH 1 (Chilli), ML 365 andML 322 (in finger millet), GKVK-5 and GKVK 27 (in groundnut).


Head of the Department details

Dr. J. Shanthala MSc (Agri.), PhD
Professor and Head
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,
College of Agriculture, GKVK, Bangalore 560 065
Horse gram and Urdbean Breeding Research

080-2333 0153; Ext. 286


shanthala16@gmail.com; hodgpb5@gmail.com




Dr. J. Shanthala.
Professor and Head
M.Sc.(Agri), Ph.D.
Conventional breeding of Green gram and ground nut
+91-80-2333 0153 Extn. 286
Dr. A. Mohan Rao
M.Sc.(Agri), Ph.D.
Chilly, Breeding
+91-80-2333 0153
+91-80-2343 4958
+91-94481 01542
Dr. S. Ramesh
M.Sc.(Agri), Ph.D.
Molecular breeding of finger millet and Jatropha
+91-80-2333 0153
+91-80-2343 4958 Extn. 286
+91-94807 04010
Dr. Marappa N
Associate Professor
Ph.D Genetics and Plant Breeding
Groundnut, Cowpea, Breeding for Disease resistance and Biofortification
+91-80-2330152 (extn 286)
Assistant Professor
Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding
College of Agriculture
University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore-560065, Karnataka, India
    • ಪುಟ ಸಂದರ್ಶಕರ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ:
    • ಕೊನೆಯದಾಗಿ ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 19, 2025
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